Modification and Refurbishment

“Time is money” has become the basic principle in the last couple of years. We at TSH try to help you save money by reducing set up times for your die cutter.

As a matter of fact we help you saving money, too, as you would invest in your existing equipment instead of buying new one at way higher cost. The quick lock system allows you to reduce your set up times.

How does it work?

An accurate mounting of the die with the certitude of being always at the same spot reduces your set up time. You work on different machines in more than one shift with more than one operator? Then the quick lock system is a must.

You maintain the quality of the die as well as of the chase plate as the power needed for fixing as well as the forces working on the different parts is always the same.

For even more convenience and safety the operator can do all the necessary work from above, no need to screw and unscrew the die from the lower side of the chase.

How do we modify your chase?

Before we start to equip your chases with the quick-lock system we service your chases and refurbish them to the standard of day one.

After this we can start with the transformation of the chase. Two or three (depending on machine size) clamping devices and 4 calibration stops are mounted. Our tight tolerances guarantee our customers a high quality product.

If your chase plate is usable and not cracked it will be also refurbished, otherwise we change it to a new one.

What type of chase can be modified?

Nearly all chases can be switched on quick lock as long the thickness of the chase bars allows us to assemble the system. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details.

TSH TechnikService Hückeswagen GmbH

... no magic, Know how. We are cutting plates!

© 2025 TSH TechnikService Hückeswagen GmbH
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